The Ultimate Teenage Room Look: Design and Decor Tips

The Ultimate Teenage Room Look: Design and Decor Tips

Look at a teenage bedroom:

In this modern era, all teenagers have some of the other ideas for their room to decorate and this is very necessary also because a teenager’s mind can be easily convinced to take any of the other decision so it is really necessary that the room of a teenager must be designed in such a way that only the positivity is reflected from the colours that are used or the stencils that are used. Yes, initially it was thought that a girl would love to have pink and a boy will love it. A girl will like the Barbie theme in her room and the boy will love the spider man theme. But now this is no more the case. Yes, it may happen with kids till the age of 10. But once they enter the teenager’s age they want something classy because they always have a thought in mind that are the kids or are they, adults? They’ll not like paint colours used in adults rooms for sure but yes they’ll not like Barbie or spider man theme either. Try out something that will make them feel that yes there is something meant for them as well.

How about neon?

As we all know that teenagers want something to be different in their lives and the old colour themes like red and blue or pink etc. will make them feel dull. If you make use of neon colours in their room they’ll love it and yes this might even ensure that they stay at home for even long :P


Make sure that you make use of the perfect furniture for the room of a teenager. You can very well plan out a bed that your child likes and with that you can place a study table of your child’s choice because after all he/she is the one who has to study on it and yes if the interior of the room will be according to the child then yes it will ensure that he/ she stays at home and will want to keep the books and stuff neatly in the racks provided.

Also, make sure that you provide a lot of space for the books etc. you can place bookshelves over the wall. And also to make it comfier you can also make your child happy by placing a bean bag in his room. This will make him feel happy.

Inspirational quotes:

You can buy some posters that have inspirational quotes and then you can frame them and place them on the walls so that every morning when your child wakes up he looks at those quotations and will feel motivated to do the work for the day nicely.


You can also enhance the looks of the wall by painting some stencils over the walls which mean a lot to them. How about painting a city look over the wall for the one who loves to travel? Or making flasks and chemicals for someone who is in love with chemistry? Or maybe music tones who loves music. This will make your child happy because he will think that yes even he has been given preferences while the renovation of the home. So make sure that you pick the best designs for the teenager’s room because it will affect him.


Also, make sure that you use the bedsheets and curtains of bright colour. You should make a teenager’s room really bright. That doesn’t mean that makes it fully orange or something like that. It means that yes you can use white as a base of the walls and you can get the bean bag, curtains, chair, rugs etc. of really bright colour as it will enhance the look of the room.

Where to get this done?

Well. If you want to try out something different of this sort you can visit the official website of ColourDrive. If you want to get paint or wallpapers on your walls and if you are located in Bangalore then you can get it done from a very specialized team of ColourDrive. They will serve you with the best of results and will help you choose the perfect style as per your home. You can have a view at them and then you can select the perfect team with a bundle of knowledge in this stream for a perfect texture job, as well as you can select ColourDrive for more services such as stencilling, exterior painting, interior painting etc. and be 110% satisfied with the results!

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