Exterior House Painting Tips: Enhance Your Home's Facade

Exterior House Painting Tips: Enhance Your Home's Facade

Your home’s exterior is the first impression visitors have of you therefore when you are deciding to paint the exterior of your house you have to keep a few things in your mind.

Firstly, do not select the colour by just seeing it in the catalogue. Paint some area of your wall with the colour that you have selected and see if it perfectly goes for your exterior wall.

Secondly, do not forget to cover your garden and your car with cloth. Keep furniture (if any) kept in the garden inside your home so that you do not spill the paint over it.

Thirdly, cover your wall with paint for at least 2times. This will ensure a smooth base and perfect colour over the wall. However, if the surface was previously painted and that old paint is still sound, a single coat of quality paint will probably suffice. Your local independent paint retailer can advise you as to whether two coats will be necessary for your particular situation.

Let the paint dry for at least 3-4days. This will ensure the long life of the paint. Also, keep in mind that you do not paint the exterior of your house in a very humid or chilled season. This may bring a hindrance to the drying up of the exterior of your house. Do not paint the exterior in the rainy season. All your efforts may go in vain.

So these were some tips that you have to keep in mind while deciding to paint the exterior of your house.


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