Home Painting Cost: Calculating Expenses

Home Painting Cost: Calculating Expenses

Painting a home is a very accurate idea to renovate your home and give it a good look and attractive look. But when it comes to painting your home you may have a lot of queries in your head that how much it will cost, how should I do it myself, how to make it look more attractive, which quality to select from the qualities of the paint that are available in the market and which colour would suit your personality. So today we will talk about one such query that will make you understand the calculation of the cost when it comes to painting the home. One always thinks that he/she has to do the job in the best possible manner and also thinks that it would be great if he can do that work at the cost that would be on the lower price bracket. So today we will see that how can you actually calculate the cost of the paint job that you are going to start in your home and also we will be suggesting various tips and tricks by way of which you can reduce the cost of the paint job.

So firstly we will look at the various things that are required for a paint job because these things are the primary stuff that will add to the cost of the paint job.

For doing the paint job you will be requiring various things listed-

  • Putty
  • Primmer
  • Paint
  • Brushes
  • Sandpaper
  • Spray painting Machines (optional)
  • Drop cloth

So now we will be looking at the costs of each and everything required in detail.


These are basically required to prepare the walls of your home in a way that there should not remain any holes or something else that will destroy the look of the paint. Therefore it is advisable to first level out imperfections and undulations on your wall with the best in its class range of interior putty. There are different kinds of putty available when we talk about Asian paints. We will be here discussing the prices of the putties of Asian paints. Basically, the three types of putty available with Asian paints are-

  1. Trucare 2x primer putty mix: It is a water-based putty. What makes it unique is that on applying this putty a primer coat is not required. The putty does not need a coat of primer due to which there are significant savings on cost, time and labour. Coverage- 2 coats: 15-18 sq. feet/kg. Price: Rs. 50/kg
  2. Trucare super putty: This is a plaster based putty and it provides the advantages of both- the plaster as well as that of a putty. The smoothness of this putty is irresistible. Coverage- Fills up to 6mm in 1 coat without cracking or shrinking. Price- 950/ pc
  3. Acrylic wall putty: It is one of the best products in its segment and provides a very strong and long-lasting foundation to the finish on your walls. Coverage- 2 coats: 24-35 sq. feet/kg.


This is one of the most important parts of the article as you can call it when it comes to the paint job. The primer not only works as a base for the paint but also supports the paint and obviously enhances the look of the paint. Imagine what colour of the white paint will come if it is directly applied to the grey coloured cement. Therefore do not miss out on the usage of the primmer. The cost of the primmer differs according to the types and kinds of the primers that are available in the market. Have a look at the kinds of primers that are available with the Asian paints and this way you can have an idea about the primer cost. Kinds of primers include:

  1. Decoprime advanced cement primer - water thinly: It can be thinned to application viscosity by adding the appropriate amount of water. It delivers superior whiteness, opacity and excellent covering. Coverage: 1 coat 215 - 270 sq. ft. /litre. Price: Rs. 2250.42/ 20 ltr pack.
  2. Trucare interior wall primer (solvent thinly): Suitable as a primer for masonry topcoats such as distemper, emulsions, lustre and matt wall finishes. It gives good coverage, so you need less material. The approximate price is Rs. 98 for 500 millilitres, Rs. 185 for 1 litre, Rs. 685 for 4 litres, Rs. 1625 for 10 litres and Rs. 3075 for 20 litres.
  3. Trucare interior wall primer (water thinly): It is easy to use a primer that can be used to execute water-based wall finishes such as distempers and plastic emulsions. The approximate price is Rs. 140 for 1 litre, Rs. 509 for 4 litres, Rs. 1175 for 10 litres and Rs. 2210 for 20 litres.
  4. Trucare economy interior wall primer (water thinly): Itis an efficient water-based primer that enhances the application and finish of interior topcoats. It covers 200 - 250 square metres per litre in one coat. The approximate price is Rs. 140 for 1 litre, Rs. 509 for 4 litres, Rs. 1175 for 10 litres and Rs. 2210 for 20 litres.


So basically this is the most important thing that is required for the paint job to be done. Without pain, you cannot even think of a paint job to be done. Now, like primers paints also have different types and their prices differ according to the quality and the finish of the paint. Now we will discuss the kinds of paints that are available with Asian paints and we will be discussing the prices of each of the kinds of paint. Various kinds of paints are as follows:

  1. Royale Aspira: It is the international gold standard in paints. It imparts your walls with a soft sheen and brings out the richest of colours. Royale Aspira covers 280 - 320 square feet per litre in 1 coat and 140 - 160 square feet per litre in 2 coats on a smooth surface. Price: Rs 600/ litre.
  2. Royale Atmos: It is an Eco-friendly Air Purifying Paint that reduces the pollution levels in your home by neutralizing formaldehyde (a harmful pollutant). It also acts as a scented paint. Coverage: 2 coats- 140-160 sq. ft. /litre. Price: Rs. 500-600/ kg.
  3. Royale luxury emulsion: It is a kind of paint that will provide luxurious looks to your home. It is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It covers up to 140 - 160 square feet per litre. Price- Rs. 440/litre
  4. Royale Shyne Luxury Emulsion: It is the perfect pick if you’re looking for a stylish finish for your walls. The paint radiates a higher sheen and gives a smooth and luxurious finish. Royale Shyne covers 270 - 230 square feet per litre in 1 coat and 140 to 160 square feet per litre in 2 coats. Price- Rs. 500/ litre.
  5. Royale Matt: It is the best matt finish available in the market. When applied to walls, it provides a smooth matt finish with an elegant appeal. It covers up to 280-300 square feet per litre if a single coat is applied and 140-150 square feet per litre if 2 coats are applied. Price: Rs. 520/ litre.
  6. Royale Lustre: It is an extremely durable and highly washable luxury paint, formulated to be virtually odourless. Its non-yellowing property ensures walls remain beautiful for years. Royale Lustre covers up to 45 - 50 square feet per litre if applied with a honeycomb roller or felt roller. While using a sponge roller, it covers 85 - 105 square feet per litre.
  7. Premium emulsion: Apply 2-3 coats of Asian Paints Premium Emulsion or equivalent premium water-based emulsion with a rich matt finish. Premium Emulsion is best suited for bedrooms and living rooms. It gives the walls a rich, smooth finish. In addition, it also ensures reduced dirt pick-up and gives long-lasting protection to your bedroom walls. Price: Rs.270/litre.
  8. Tractor emulsion: If you’ve been using distemper, it’s time you shifted to Tractor Emulsion. It ensures a smooth and lively finish to the wall at almost the same cost. It provides a coverage of 260 - 300 square feet per litre for 1 coat and 130 - 150 square feet per litre for 2 coats on a normal masonry surface. Price: Rs. 150/kg.

  • Tractor acrylic distemper: Tractor Acrylic Distemper offers a wide choice of water-based interior wall paints. It is acrylic distemper of the highest quality and gives the walls a delightful smooth matte finish. Price: Rs 70/kg.
  • Tractor Synthetic Distemper: Tractor Synthetic Distemper is a water-based finish with exciting direct shade offerings that give your home a beautiful look for years to come.
  • Tractor Uno Acrylic Distemper: It is a water-based acrylic distemper suitable for interior walls at a pocket-friendly price. This washable distemper will keep your walls as good as new for a long time and it is available in more than 950 different shades. Price: 850-900/ 5 kg pack.

This was about the plain paints that are available. There are various more kinds of paints that are available and the cost essentially depends on the paint that you select. There is a variety of paints under the section of Royale Play of Asian paints and you can visit more of or articles for the details of the royale play.

So now once you have decided the material that you will be applying on the wall for the paint job, the next step that you have to do is to calculate the area of the interior of your home in order to see that how much area needs to be covered with the paint because the cost of the paint depends upon the quality and the quantity of the paint required. . Area will be calculated by multiplying the height of the wall with the breadth of the wall. Then you need to add on the area of all the walls you need to paint and then add up the area of the ceiling if you wish to paint it. This would give you an approximate idea about the area that needs to be covered. The area that has to be painted plays a vital role in calculating or determining the cost of painting your home. Because as we talked about earlier there will be a difference between painting a wall then painting a home. Because the area of the walls added together for a home is much larger than the area of a single wall thus differentiating the cost of painting the two. Decide if you will also be painting the ceiling. Find square footage by multiplying two adjacent sides. Ceilings tend to take up to 85% more paint, particularly acoustical and popcorn ceilings. Consider the transfer efficiency of spray painting equipment when you calculate for house painting with spraying. Spray paint tends to only get a portion of the total paint on the intended surface. The remainder ends up in the sprayer's exhaust filters or on the floor. Transfer efficiency is the total paint sprayed divided by the paint that reaches the surface. Also, calculate the area of the walls and the windows that you want to paint. You can find out the area of the doors and windows by multiplying the length of the door or window with the breadth of the same.

Then you also need to make the decision that whether you will be doing the paint job on your own or you want to hire a professional painter for that case. If you are thinking of doing the paint job yourself you need to know that you will be saving the cost of the labour but before you start with the paint job also keep one thing in your mind that you if you will be painting your room yourself you will also be liable to take various decisions and you will be having tensions. But if you delegate the responsibility for a professional team; though your cost may increase you will have the surety that your work will be done with perfection and the most important thing is that you will not be having any mental tensions about how much time to wait for the paint to dry, which colour to select, what to do if you commit the mistake and many more such instant decisions that you might have to take at the time of the paint job.

Now let us discuss the estimation of labour cost that will be applicable if you want to get the task done from a professional company rather than doing it on your own. If you hire a professional company for the paint job in your home it is very well known that extra charges apart from the paint material will be required. So the cost of the labour would be approximately 3/2 of the price incurred in the stuff.

Basically, if the cost of materials is said Rs 600. Then the cost of the labour will be ((3/2)*600) = 900.

And if we talk about the time incurred. It will be approximately 2 days per room. So you can have an estimate about that on that matter.

Also, the paint job cost also depends on the method that you select for the home painting process. . Spray painting is cheaper than brush painting as spray painting reduces the cost per square foot by spray painting large painting jobs. Then you also need to think that would you be doing the painting yourself or you would be hiring a specialized painter. The hiring of a specialized painter would increase the labour cost. If you have got a large area to cover. Then in that case spray painting can prove out to be less costly for you as compared to brush painting. But if the area that has to be covered is not very large then it is beneficial to use the brush painting technique. The difference is there between these two methods because of the cost of the spray machine that varies from quality to quality. But spray painting machines eventually help you to lessen the cost of painting per square foot and therefore this decision is to be yours so as to which painting method you have to select. Also, if you do not have any problems with the cost or if you need really fine and super results then you may also use a spray machine even for a small area. This is because the spray painting enables one to spread the paint over the wall in a uniform manner thus not leading to any extra paint at one place only.

Examples How to Calculate Cost:

Let us take it this way:

Type of space- Interior

Type of project- Repainting

Number of rooms- 1

Finish- Plain finish

Product- Royale Aspira.

Therefore the total cost will be somewhat around: 1130-1150 INR

The paint required for this area will be around 2 litres. You can easily make an estimate regarding the quantity of paint by the primer used in the house. Generally, 3 litres of primer can cover around 300 square feet and the same quantity of paint can cover 300 square feet. The difference being is because of the difference in composition. Paint can range from Rs. 400-2500 per litre.

And therefore the cost will come out to be around (2*550=1100)

Now we will be looking at the factors that help you to reduce the cost of the paint job of your home. The below-mentioned factors will help you lessen the cost:

1.Spray painting: this allows to lessen the quantity of paint over a surface area. It covers a larger area than a brush does and thus because of less usage of paint the cost itself goes down.

2.Doing it yourself: if you do not hire a professional company for the paint job you can obviously save the labour cost by doing so.

3.Buy materials at the right place:when you go to buy the materials make sure you go to the wholesale shop and buy the whole material in one go as this will ensure that you save money by purchasing the material at wholesale price. This will eventually help you to cut down the cost of the paint job.

4.Use of primer: If you use a primer before the paint job then the quantity of paint required will be less than the quantity that will be required to paint the wall without the use of a primer.

You can very well do the job yourself but it would be a lot of headaches for you to make decisions and think about various things. So it is advisable to hire a professional company who on your behalf will take decisions and will complete all the tasks professionally. If you want to hire a professional company and if you are based in Bangalore then you can very well count on ColourDrive.If you want to get your walls painted or your home painted from both inside and outside and if you are located in Bangalore then you can get it done from a very specialized team of ColourDrive. They will serve you with the best of the results and will help you choose the perfect colour and type of paint as per your home. Here are some of the pictures of the paint jobs done by ColourDrive. You can have a view at them and then you can select the perfect team with a bundle of knowledge in this stream for a perfect texture job, as well as you can select ColourDrive for more services such as stencilling, exterior painting, interior painting, texture painting, wood painting, lime wash on terrace etc. and be 110% satisfied with the results!


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