Top 8 Types of House Waterproofing Problems and Solutions
Waterproofing is a method of preventing moisture from entering the interior of a building structure through roofs, foundations, and walls. The process of waterproofing can be adopted during building construction. So that the problem of water leakage from the roof, walls, and floor of the building does not arise in the future.
By doing the process of waterproofing before finishing the building construction, the problem of water seepage from the walls and roofs can be avoided. Waterproofing is more likely to be required in outdoor environments or areas that remain wet due to frequent use of water, such as bathrooms, kitchens, ceilings below water tanks, balconies, exterior walls, etc. Ignoring minor water leaks in these areas can weaken the structural strength of the house. Due to the effect of moisture, the wood used in the house can rot and metal pipes, fittings etc. can face the problem of rusting. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to know about the use of waterproofing on the basis of the moist place in the house. In this article, we will see the information about the problem and solution of waterproofing.
Common Waterproofing Problems and Their Solutions
Cracked Plaster
Problems of Cracked Plaster occur generally, due to drying, spreading, or shrinking of plaster on the walls, use of the wrong proportion of cement and sand during repair, vibration caused by a change in temperature, etc., the problem of a crack in the plaster of walls occurs.
Solution for Cracked Plaster
- Slightly widen the cracked plastered surface with the drilling medium using a drilling machine.
- Then spray-pump the acrylic conditioner into the cracks and let dry.
- Then inject the adhesive plaster magic glue into the cracks.
- Next, use drywall screws on either side of the cracks in the plaster.
- Leave it for 1 -2 days till the glue sets properly in the cracks.
- Now fill the cracked plastered surface with the help of joint compound and leave it to dry.
- After this, after leveling the surface with sandpaper, complete the process of primer and paint
Hairline Cracks Due To Humidity
High-quality plastic-elastic acrylic sealant used to seal hairline or spider web-like crevices. SmartCare CrackShield is the most efficient solution to plug such cracks.
Procedure for Filling Cracks With Acrylic Sealant
- Cracks less than 5 mm wide are hairline cracks found in wall plaster.
- Hairline cracks are widened to at least 3 mm using a chisel or cutting wheel.
- The cracks are filled with sealant after cleaning the dust particles using a brush or a strong wind from a vacuum machine.
- After this, the process of re-paint is completed after leveling the surface with sandpaper.
The best solution to the problem of the hairline crux on the walls is SmartCare CrackShield. The SmartCare CrackShield product is a sheet of glass fiber sandwiched between primer coatings that help prevent the appearance of cobweb-like hairline cracks on both interior and exterior walls.
Water Leakage Problem From Roof
Slabs made of concrete are used to create flat surfaces such as floors, roof decks, and ceilings. The main reason for water seepage from the slab is the blockage of the water drain pipe on the roof slab or there is no proper slope to drain the rainwater.
Apart from this, water seepage can also occur due to cracks in the roof while installing tanks, pipelines, dish antennas, etc.
Polyurethane Waterproofing
The most effective solution to the problem of water leakage from the roof can be done by polyurethane waterproofing treatment.
Polyurethane is chemically composed of the two components polyol and isocyanide. A liquid coating made of a combination of these two in specific proportions is used to fill cracks in concrete.
Blistering Waterproofing
Blistering of paint on walls occurs in places where there is constant moisture or heat, moisture, or a combination of both.
Due to moisture, the adhesion between the paint film and surface occurs; this condition eventually leads to the blistering of wall paint.
Solution for Blistering Waterproofing
- Gently remove each layer of blisters from the affected surface.
- Then after cleaning the surface of the wall, seal the source of moisture with fresh plaster.
- After this, level the surface with the sanding process.
- Then apply a primer-sealer.
Wall Seepage
Leakage of water in walls is caused by holes in the water supply pipes. Additionally, heavy rains and other climatic hazards often result in cracks in the walls of buildings and houses. As a result, due to the leakage of water, moisture enters the walls.
Solution for Wall Seepage
- All exposed surfaces, such as exterior walls and boundary walls, should be plastered with cement mixed with waterproofing sealant to prevent moisture and seepage into the walls.
- Use good quality water-resistant paint.
- The process of grouting should be adopted for waterproofing water supply pipes.
- Repair external cracks with white cement to prevent seepage in the wall.
Wall Flaking
Excessive moisture present on the surface of the walls, improper removal of old paint before painting the walls, or use of latex paint over oil paint can lead to loosening of the adhesives of the paint from the surface resulting in paint peeling. The problem of arising increases.
Solution for Wall Flaking
- Scrub off flaky paint.
- Repair the hole or crack on the surface of the wall using putty.
- Smooth and clean the surface with the help of sandpaper.
- After this, paint the affected wall again after using a wall primer.
Chalking of Wall Paint
The leading cause for paint chalking on exterior walls is continuous exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Due to this, the loss of the binder or resin in the paint occurs. As a result, the wall paint starts exfoliating like powder. In addition, the paint is prone to chalking due to the oxidation process with the oxygen present in the atmosphere.
Solution for Chalking of Wall Paint
- In case of a severe wall paint chalking problem, wash the surface thoroughly using water, brush, and detergent powder.
- In light chalking problems, the wall surface can be washed using a wire brush or sandpaper.
- Then leave the wall to dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours.
- In case the paint still comes into contact with the fingers after drying thoroughly, apply a coating of water-based paint mixed with paint additives, so that the paint film bonds with the paint chalk on the surface.
- Then use an alkyd-based masonry primer.
- After that apply a top coat of high-quality paint.
Seelan or Dampness
Dampness in a building is mainly caused by moisture in the basement or the lower part of the ground floor, leakage in the water supply pipes, or rainwater seepage around the roof/window frames.
Solution for Seelan or Dampness
- To overcome the problem of dampness in the basement or ground floor of the building, waterproof masonry materials can be used. For this, a layer of moisture-proof course / DPC can be installed by removing the bricks of one row of floor on all four sides of the building and adding waterproof mortar.
- Leakage in water supply pipes or cracks around roof/window frames can be repaired with a waterproof sealant or waterproof plaster.