Guest Room Ideas: Avoiding Mud Cracking for Stylish Decor

Guest Room Ideas: Avoiding Mud Cracking for Stylish Decor

Mud cracking is the cracking of deep mud surface over the walls. It is a situation in which the cement from the walls becomes visible thus making it look bad.

What is the reason behind mud cracking?

Mud cracking may occur due to the thick layer of paint applied over the wall and not spread properly. It may also occur due to use of cheap alkyd based paint that may not be suitable for the wall that is prone to mud cracking. Use of paint and the correct application of paint plays a very important role in the long life of the paint. Also, this may occur due to the gaps in the walls not properly filled with putty that may later on come forward as the problem of mud cracking.

How can mud cracking be repaired?

For overcoming this problem of mud cracking you have to follow following steps:

  • Remove extra particles from the wall so that you can repair it. Clean the wall surface after removal of loose wall flakes.
  • Apply putty to the affected area and leave it to dry.
  • Sand that area well and then clean the wall surface with the help of a drop cloth to ensure that no dust particle is left over the wall so that it does not cause any hindrance during the paint job.
  • After the sanding is done, apply primer to the wall with the help of a brush or a roller and then leave it dry.
  • Last, but not the least paint the wall properly and leave it to dry. Make sure that the room is well aerated. Use high quality paint so that you get best results.


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