Recently we have done Interior painting work at Prestige Montocarlo Apartment, Yehlanka New Town, along with interior work we have fizz texture work as well. Here is the complete description of project work -
Project Cost - 45,000/-
Project Date - 15th July 2016
Category - Interior, Metal Paint, Wood Polish, Exterior
Locality: Prestige Monto Carlo, Yehlanka New Town, Bangalore
City - Bangalore
Product Used - Asian Paint Royale Play, Royale Luxury, Enamel Paint, Hand Polish.
Work Details -
Completed following work as part of repainting work at a luxurious apartment at Yehlanka new town, along with complete touchup putty and colour consultancy -
1. Texture Work - Fizz Metallic texture work on one wall came out to be really nice. It was a small area still we managed to complete it. Texture works are done using Royale Play Metallic paint as a topcoat and royale luxury as a base coat.
2. Interior Painting - Royale Luxury did on all the walls of the house and tractor emulsion on the ceiling. Royale luxury came out to be very nice as the wall condition was very nice, putty was not needed. The standard procedure followed crack filling, 1 coat of primer, 2 coats of paint.
3. Metal Painting - Completed Enamel paint on complete Grills, Windows and Doors of the house.
4. Wood Polish - Completed the hand polish work on few doors of the house.
Along with the above work we have done the complete colour consultancy, complete monitoring of the work, cleaning after the work and at the end of work a happy customer.
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