Ensuring Safety: Painting Services to Prevent Coronavirus in India

Ensuring Safety: Painting Services to Prevent Coronavirus in India

What is CoronaVirus- COVID-19

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an irresistible disease brought about by a newfound coronavirus. A great many people infected with the COVID-19 virus will encounter mellow to direct respiratory illness and recoup without requiring exceptional treatment. More seasoned individuals, and those with fundamental clinical issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, ceaseless respiratory disease, and malignancy are bound to create genuine illness.

The most ideal approach to forestall and hinder transmission is be very much educated about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Shield yourself as well as other people from disease by washing your hands or utilizing a liquor based rub much of the time and not contacting your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads basically through beads of spit or release from the nose when an infected individual hacks or wheezes, so it's significant that you additionally practice respiratory behavior (for instance, by hacking into a flexed elbow).

Right now, there are no particular antibodies or treatments for COVID-19. Be that as it may, there are numerous progressing clinical preliminaries assessing potential treatments. WHO (World Health Organization) will keep on giving current data when clinical discoveries become accessible.

Recent Statics of Covid-19

Day by day Corona infected people ratio increasing, not India only Major countries are report world Highest Level Illness such as America, Germany, Russia, China, United Kingdom, Greek, Italy, UAE, Spain, Turkey, Brazil, Netherlands and upto 170 countries suffering with us.

Till at WHO confirmed 13.1M CoronaVirus Cases around The world, and 572K Total death. Nowdays In India also active cases increasing day by day. According to Indian government confirmed 907K Active cases, and Total number of Death is 23,727. But That is very less amount of illness and death as comparatively another countries.

Basically Indian government has announced Lock down to stop more cases. As per WHO Corona Virus generally spread droplets, infected person cough, sneezes, exhales… and if number of cases will Be very offensive then virus easily enter though air, water or through environment as well.

To decrease number of Corona Virus cases in India, Government generally Issue Guidelines such as-

  • Stay at home.

  • Maintain al-least 1 meter social dissonance from another person.

  • Wash your hand many times within a day properly with soap, al-least 20 seconds.

  • Use Alcohols based sanitizer.

  • Use Arogya Setu Application to detect corona infected person detection.

  • And many other Guidelines.

Accordingly ColourDrive Residential & Commercial Painting Services Professionals Start Essential Painting Services to prevent CoronaVirus.

How ColourDrive Painting Services Prevent CoronaVirus?

Basically, our Scientist, doctors and nurses working up to 20 hours on a day to prevent corona diseases but WHO not confirmed any Medicine or Vaccine, That can remove corona virus completely from the body but some Medicine are helpful to increase immunity power of body. Accordingly ColourDrive Home Painting Services can’t remove virus from environment but Our services making more protective home from Bacteria, fungal, Virus. Our Building Disinfection, Office Sanitization, Society Disinfection, Locality Disinfection services includes-

Deep Cleaning: ColourDrive Home Painting services are a best professional cleaning service provider in India. We provide the best of our services and ensure that Best Disinfectant for Home, hygiene, Sterilization, Included customer satisfaction. Our Deep Cleaning preferred Deep House Cleaning, Water Tank Cleaning, Washroom Cleaning Sanitizing, Sofa Carpet Cleaning, Spring Sanitizing Cleaning, Toilet Sanitizing Treatment, Residential Cleaning, Cadillac and Facade cleaning, Kitchen Sterilizing Treatment etc.

disinfection and sanitation services

Sanitization: We are master in giving total purifying service to your office, condo, home, society, private just as business space another wording Like Building Disinfection, Office Sanitization, Socity Disinfection, Locality Disinfection and moe. We are a legislature authorized holder for doing Sanitization services and we guaranteed to give the best service.

Sanitization service is to secure against the bacteria, fungi and viruses. Sanitization service incorporate the way toward diminishing microbes to safe levels ie. 99.99 % of micro-organism populace. There are distinctive compound used to kill the micro-organism like Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Synthetic substances are - Hydrogen Peroxide (10%), Sodium Hypochlorite (1:1000 weakening), Glutaraldehyde (upto 3.4% Solution), Potassium mono per Sulfate, Chlorine Dioxide and so on. Weakened disinfectant solution ought to be sprayed on surface territory like Door Knobs, Hand Railings, Handles, Biometrics, Tables, Chairs, Walls Conference Room, Corridors and staircase. Spraying to be finished with ULV sprayer ideally. Clouding to be done in whole space to kill the microbes in air.

Keep away from contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Evacuate and wash polluted clothing and footwear before re-use. Abstain from breathing fumes or spray fogs. Try not to permit cleansing solution to get within electrical gadgets. Focus on a satisfactory ventilation when utilizing the item. In severely ventilated rooms respiratory protection must be worn.

prevent from virus

Royale Health shield: Royale Health Shield Luxury Emulsion, Product by Asian Paints that is a revolutionary indoor paint outfitted with Silver Ion Technology which executes 99% of infection-causing-microbes on the painted surface; giving a progressively clean condition at home. It additionally improves indoor air quality by decreasing formaldehyde, an unsafe poison. First paint in Quite a while with silver ion technology to be suggested by the Indian Medical Association, they approve these kind benefits:

  • Germ Killing Action
    Capacity to kill 99% of infection-causing-microbes on painted surfaces inside 2 hours of introduction. Decreases probability of respiratory infections and skin sensitization.

  • Teflon
    It has Teflon surface defender which makes it amazingly strong and hardest family unit stains can be cleaned without any problem.

  • Neutralizes Formaldehyde
    It neutralizes indoor air poison like formaldehyde and makes the indoor air more beneficial to breathe.

  • Best Finishing
    Royale Health Shield gives an extravagant completion and a plush gleaming appearance to your dividers.

ColourDrive Contribution to prevent CoronaVirus

Actually, we all of us need to follow the government order, need to support our community, People, family and country as well! Accordingly ColourDrive Professionals already sanitized some hospitals, police station and working place free of cost. Our Professionals are stand with each situation with you so if you have need Building Disinfection, Office Sanitization, Socity Disinfection, Locality Disinfection, Sterilization, Disinfection Sanitization Open Space, Ultraviolet light Disinfection, UVD, Home sanitizer, Home Disinfectant, Working Place sanitization, Office Sanitization etc. with hesitation please contact us on +91 90141 82316, Definitely we will deliver best Painting services with affordable cost.

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