Understanding Exterior Paint Failures: Solutions by ColourDrive

Understanding Exterior Paint Failures: Solutions by ColourDrive

Paint failures in exterior walls are a common marvel. There are numerous sorts of paint failures in the exterior divider surface; however the most common reason for the paint failures is Weathering, Moisture, poor surface preparation, inappropriate paint application, and utilization of lower quality paint. Current paint science makes the present paints strikingly capable of taking care of these circumstances, and the house surfaces that once required painting each a few years can now, in some cases, go ten years before they require repainting. Yet, under specific conditions—or when the preparation or application has been not exactly perfect—various common problems happen with exterior paint employments. Understanding the roots and solutions for these ten common problems will assist you with tending to them rapidly and maintain a strategic distance from them later on.

Common Painting Problems & Solutions


  • Utilization of lower quality paint that has inadequate grip and adaptability, over diminishing or overspreading the paint.

  • Incomplete surface preparation or applying the paint to bare wood without first applying a primer.

  • Unnecessary solidifying of finish/oil-based paint as the paintwork ages.


Evacuate free and flaking paint with a scrubber or wire brush, sanding the surface and feathering the edges. On the off chance that the flaking happens in different layers of paint, utilizing a filler might be vital. Prime bare wood territories before repainting. Utilization of a top-quality primer and topcoat ought to forestall a repeat of the issue.


  • Use of lower best paint that has incomplete hold and flexibility, over reducing or overspreading the paint.

  • The deficient surface arrangement, or applying the paint to bare wood without first engage a primer.

  • Nonessential hardening of finish/oil-based paint as the paint job ages.


Empty free and flaking paint with a scrubber or wire brush, sanding the surface and feathering the edges. In case the flaking occurs in various layers of paint, using a filler may be fundamental. Prime bare wood regions before repainting. Usage of a top-quality primer and topcoat should hinder a rehash of the issue.


  • Decomposition of enamel/oil-based or oil-based paint or shellac.

  • The heat from warmer, convector and heating channels.

  • Absence of light (e.g., behind pictures or apparatuses, inside repository rooms, and so on).


Good quality acrylic paints tend not to yellow, nor does non-yellowing varnish. Enamel/oil-based paints, in view of their relieving component, are probably going to yellow, especially in zones that are shielded from daylight.


  • Applying enamel/oil-based paint over a clammy or wet surface.

  • Moisture saturating the home concludes the exterior walls (more outlandish with acrylic paint).

  • Presentation of acrylic paint film to high mugginess or moisture soon after paint has dried, exceptionally if there was an impaired surface foundation.

paint blistering on walls & solution by colourdrive


In the event that blisters don't go right down to the substrate: Remove blisters by scratching, and sanding, and repaint with a quality acrylic inside the paint. In the event that blisters go down to the substrate: Remove the wellspring of moisture, if conceivable. Fix free caulking; consider introducing vents or fumes fans. Evacuate blisters as above, making sure to prime before applying the topcoat.


  • Paint applied too thickly (more probable when utilizing enamel/oil-based or oil-based paints).

  • Painting during a very sweltering climate or cool soggy climate, which causes the paint film to dry quicker on top than on the base.

  • Presenting uncured paint to high dampness levels.

  • Painting over a defiled surface (e.g., earth or wax).


Scratch or sand substrate to expel wrinkled coating. In the case of utilizing a primer, permit it to dry totally before applying topcoat. Repaint (maintaining a strategic distance from temperature/moistness boundaries), applying an even layer of top quality inside the paint.


  • Application of a very hard, rigid coating, similar to an enamel/oil-based enamel, over a progressively flexible coating, similar to an acrylic primer.

  • The relevance of the best coat before the undercoat is dry.

  • Normal maturing of oil-based paints as temperatures vacillate. The steady extension and constriction bring about lost paint film versatility.


Old paint ought to be totally expelled by scratching and sanding the surface; a heat firearm can be utilized to speed chip away at enormous surfaces, yet take care to abstain from touching off paint or substrate. The surface ought to be prepared with excellent acrylic or oil-based primer, at that point painted with a top-quality exterior acrylic paint.


  • Utilization of poor quality, profoundly pigmented paint.

  • Utilization of an inside paint for an open-air application.


To start with, expel however much of the chalk buildup as could reasonably be expected, scrubbing with a firm fiber brush (or wire brush on brickwork) and afterward flush completely; or use power washing equipment. Check for any residual chalk by running a hand over the surface after it dries. On the off chance that observable chalk is as yet present, apply a quality oil-based Painting procedure or acrylic primer (or similar sealer for workmanship), at that point repaint with a quality exterior coating; assuming practically no chalk remains and the old paint is sound, no preparing is important.


  • Utilization of a lower quality that has deficient attachment and adaptability.

  • Over diminishing the paint or extending it excessively far. Poor surface preparation, particularly when the paint is applied to bare wood without preparing.

  • Painting under cool or blustery conditions that make acrylic paint dry excessively quick.


It might be supposable to address breaking that doesn't go down to the substrate by evacuating the free or flaking paint with an undersized or wire brush, sanding to quill the edges, preparing any bare spots and repainting.

On the off chance that the splitting goes down to the substrate evacuate the entirety of the paint by scratching, sanding as well as utilization of a heat weapon; at that point prime and repaint with a quality exterior acrylic paint.


  • Inability to enough get ready surface by evacuating all past blooming.

  • Abundance moisture escaping through the exterior brickwork walls from behind.


On the off chance that abundance moisture is the reason, dispose of the source by fixing the rooftop, wiping out canals and downspouts, and fixing any breaks in the brickwork with a top-notch, water-based all-acrylic or silicon zed acrylic caulk. Expel the blooming and all other free material with a wire brush, power brush or force washer; at that point completely flush the surface. Apply a quality water-based or dissolvable based stonework sealer or primer, and permit it to dry totally; at that point apply a layer of top quality exterior house paint, brickwork paint or elastomeric divider coating.


  • Structures regularly on territories that will, in general, be clammy, and get practically no immediate daylight (walls with a northerly presentation and the underside of the roof are especially helpless).

  • Utilization of lower quality paint, which may have a lacking measure of mildewcide.

  • Inability to prime bare wood before painting.

  • Painting over a substrate or coating on which mold has not been expelled.


Test to recognize mold from the soil by applying a couple of drops of family dye to the stained territory; in the event that it vanishes, it is most likely buildup. Treat the buildup by applying a blend of water and fade, 3:1, and leave on for 20 minutes, applying more as it dries. Wear goggles and elastic gloves. At that point scrub and flush the region. Apply an exterior acrylic primer, at that point a first-class exterior acrylic paint in flat, glossy silk, semi-gloss or gloss complete the process of, contingent upon the ideal appearance.

ColourDrive Residential & commercial Painting services will feel more happy to assist you, Just call us on 90141 82316 and consult free with our Master Painters team!

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