Apex Ultima is another categroy in Asian paint. It gives Sheen finish to walls. It is best suitable product to avoid air cracks and also it is excellent weather proof paint in all exterior categories. Apex Ultima comes with unique Dirt Pickup Resistance property that protect walls from dust. It comes with seven years of warranty from Asian paint. Apex Ultima has got anti fungal, anti algae properties as well that protect walls from fungus and drak spot as well.
Note*:- We do not sell the paint and the prices are indicative only. For more detail please visit asianpaints.com
Price also depends on lots of factors like transportation, market demands & supply and others but normally the price of 1 Litre of Asian Paints Apex Ultima Emulsion can be approx Rs 356/- in entire India.
Asian Paints Apex Ultima Emulsion approx per litre coverage is 50-60 /SqFt.
Asian Paints Apex Ultima Emulsion is excellent washable product.
Exact Durability depends on various factors like weather conditions and others but for Asian Paints Apex Ultima Emulsion we can consider approx 7 years.